Mini Bird Kabob

Mini Bird Kabob
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Product Description
Bird Kabobs are the ultimate shreddable bird toys. Made from a soft pithy wood. They are irresistible to all hookbill birds from parakeets to macaws. They satisfy the instinctual need of these birds to chew. They have been described as bird catnip. Recommended by veterinarians for birds with feather picking problems. Legendary among bird lovers worldwide. You'll be amazed at the site of your bird enjoying the Bird Kabob. These are truly the most sensational bird toys ever made.
Place the Bird Kabob inside cage. Because birds instinctively want to chew and burrow - you can watch your pet enjoy unlimited hours of fun shredding the Bird Kabob. Please supervise your bird while playing with all toys.
Product Ingredients
DRIED YUCCA WOODProduct Description
Bird Kabobs are the ultimate shreddable bird toys. Made from a soft pithy wood. They are irresistible to all hookbill birds from parakeets to macaws. They satisfy the instinctual need of these birds to chew. They have been described as bird catnip. Recommended by veterinarians for birds with feather picking problems. Legendary among bird lovers worldwide. You'll be amazed at the site of your bird enjoying the Bird Kabob. These are truly the most sensational bird toys ever made.
Place the Bird Kabob inside cage. Because birds instinctively want to chew and burrow - you can watch your pet enjoy unlimited hours of fun shredding the Bird Kabob. Please supervise your bird while playing with all toys.